Billy Dinnerstein, a barber, has utilized his distinctive background to assist children with sensory disorders. In a YouTube video, Billy showcases his barbershop, “Your Kind of Cuts,” a New Jersey-based business dedicated to offering haircuts specifically tailored for special needs children.
Billy reflects on his unique upbringing in the foster system and how it has shaped his ability to connect with people. He describes his barbershop, Your Kind of Cuts, as a “sensory-friendly” space, emphasizing the patience and understanding he brings to his work, especially with children who have special needs.
The video captures moments of Billy engaging with his young clients, expressing his commitment to making the experience comfortable and enjoyable for them.
Billy encourages his young clients to express their feelings, acknowledging that it’s okay to cry or scream if they feel nervous. At the same time, he gently challenges them to be brave, emphasizing the purpose of their visit—to help them overcome fears and successfully get a haircut.