The adorable gigantic guardian is introduced to his new newborn sibling…

Phil hadn’t seen his adorable newborn sister in a long time, thanks to his owners. It was his turn to meet his newborn baby brother this time. Phil was a massive Malamute dog.

Despite his massive stature, Phil was calm and serene. It was the day his father let Phil meet his infant sister. His father unlocked the door to the dog’s chamber, and he entered with curiosity.

First, he sniffed at Milo, the household cat who was lying on the floor. He then proceeded to the large couch and observed a new basket. “What’s this?” he asked his father, looking up.

Phil’s father sat next to the basket, and the Malamute scaled the sofa. Phil was presented to the baby child, who was sleeping in the warm and comfy basket. Phil softly and slowly placed his paws on his father’s lap and laid near to the basket, as if sniffing the new baby.

Phil had a closer view of the infant as his father moved to the other side of the basket. Finally, his father requested Phil to say woof, to which the enormous Malamute answered warmly. He did, however, take care not to be too loud so as to wake the sleeping infant.

Phil attempted to tap the infant with his massive paws, which his father immediately stopped. He was concerned that the sharp claws might injure the infant. But the astute dog recognized this and was content to keep his nose close to the infant. Milo wanted to stay in his own world while the dog sought to be nice with the sleeping infant.

When the newborn’s parents requested Phil to communicate, the dog let out a quiet howl. He sat close to the infant in such a way that he gave the impression of a proud lion. Phil waited patiently for his baby brother to wake up as the infant slept quietly.

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